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ShortsTV Launches World’s First Short Movie TV App
Shorts International, the world’s leading short movie entertainment company and operator of the ShortsTV channel, is pleased to announce the launch of the ShortsTV App, a revolution in the delivery of short movie content. Using advanced machine-learning algorithm technology, the ShortsTV App marries the linear ShortsTV feed with the functionality of the...
ShortsTV Announces Record Theatrical Release Opening of The 2018 Oscar Nominated Short Films
Shorts International, the world’s leading short film entertainment company and operator of the ShortsTV channel, is pleased to announce its most successful theatrical release of the ‘Oscar Nominated Short Films’, ahead of the 90th Academy Awards on March 4, 2018. ShortsTV’s theatrical presentation of the year’s best ‘Live Action Short...
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Shorts Entertainment Networks
2801 Ocean Park Blvd #343
Santa Monica, CA 90405
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20th Floor, Oberoi Commerz II
Mohan Gokhale Road, Goregaon East
Mumbai 400063
Shorts Entertainment Europe B.V.
Laan van Kronenburg 14
1183 AS Amstelveen
The Netherlands
Shorts International Ltd.
Unit 2.01 A
Piano House, 9 Brighton Terrace
London, SW9 8DJ
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North & Latin America
Linda Olszewski [email protected]
Florentina Almonte [email protected]
Europe & Rest of the World
Simon Young [email protected]
North & Latin America
Pratik Rajendra [email protected]
Europe & Rest of the World
Ian Carrasco [email protected]